4 months
Yes, since officially being in the process we have hit the 4 months mark.
The hubs and I are very task oriented and organized. If you give me a list I can have it done in no time flat. We have all our documents and everything well organized. Even our Case Worker fell off her chair when she heard how fast we got all our documents and "to do's" completed.
Unfortunately, that's not the same pace the governing agencies work. Our home study is complete, BUT we are still waiting on my Illinois clearance to notarize HS. This step allows us to begin immigration processes. Our first request from Illinois had been lost so this is our second attempt and we're near 5 weeks waiting.
The waiting...it's all out of our hands which is difficult for us because we tend to have control and can map everything out. This process has really taught me to LET GOD LEAD because there is NOTHING I CAN DO.
Since this will be our first born...just seems so much harder. It's pretty simple for us...we just want a family. 4 months would be a near halfway point if I was literally preggo.
We've recently had some interesting circumstances come our way and not sure if God is trying to nudge us and this "delay" in our clearance receipt is part of it or not.
So for my bloggy friends, PLEASE PRAY for God to continue to lead in our lives and that we would be "quiet" enough to listen and discern WHAT God is asking of us.
I'll blog more on that later...
For now, I will continue to watch Lilypie count the days and remember God has this all figured out and has for some time. We just have to wait to see what God will unfold for our family. Honestly, that's really the only way we want our lives to unfold...in His plan.
One Less
P.S. Tim's been sporting his new T-shirt which has Africa on front with some graphics over Ethiopia and then on back it says, "My shirt fed a child for 3 months. What can your shirt do?". I'll have to get some pics of it and post. Just cute to see him bonding stronger and stronger to our birth country.
Waiting...definitely the hardest part!!! But you are so right that God does have PERFECT timing and sometimes that is hard to see in the moment but so AMAZING to see when it happens! Just think HE knows EXACTLY when Lily Pie will say "0" more days waiting to bring our bub home! Praying for you always...XOXO
That was actually Ashley but I know that Bryan feels the same way! ;-)
I am a sensitive HOT MESS these days...You're so right. God does know. I hold onto that and look around me and see where God had timing I didn't understand until afterwards.
Thanks for being YOU and being such an amazing friend.
P.S. I was giggling when I saw "Bryan" and thought...Bryan is following??? Then I read it and was like, that's totally gotta be Ash!!! LOL Tell Bry, Belle and Anakin we say hello!
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