Monday, January 17, 2011

Covered in Hope

Covered in Hope Project

Kristi over in Tennessee has a blog I've been following which I found through You Tube when we first decided to start our journey.

She and her family are in the process of bringing their son, Wes, home. Her agency, Celebrate Children International, put out a request for cloth diapers.

Swing by her blog HERE to get the full details.

She's going to be sending a package to her CCI agency, which...happens to be about 30 minutes from me in Orlando. So...I will be making a special delivery with half of the above! 

She also said she's going to be sending a package to Hannah's Hope in Ethiopia where her daughter Lucy Lane is from. Hannah's Hope will be where our bub will also stay while waiting for mommy and daddy to arrive (um...that's us...YIPPEE!!). So I will be sending Kristi J some cloth diapers for HH too!!! 

I will say a prayer for all of these cloth diapers. A prayer of comfort. A prayer of Hope. A prayer for their birth families. A prayer for their new families. A prayer for all those who are so dedicated to caring for all the babes during a scary transitional time of their lives.

Funny thing, I've never been to Baby's R Us for something I WANTED. It was interesting. I felt like the preggo moms were wondering why I was there. Honestly, they weren't, it was just me being weird. For those who know some of our story, this was a moment for me personally. I had a little knot in my throat and slight wetness in the corners of my eyes.

 I stood a little taller and smiled a little bigger.

This is Our "Pregnancy"!

And at that moment, shopping at Baby's R Us became our store too!

One Less


kera said...

Awesome Erika!!! God will bless you and Tim for blessing all those little bums!! "Welcome" to your pregnancy!! I love how you worded that!!

Ashley said...

You are right this is your "pregnancy" and I love watching it develope more and more each day! Can't wait for your little one to come home!!! xoxoxo

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful epiphany. This is your pregnancy and they ALWAYS last too long.

Home Project Manager said...

Thanks everyone! We're enjoying the process and getting more and more excited as time moves along. Now, if the FBI could just kick it up a notch and get us our fingerprints!!! haha!