Thursday, January 26, 2012

T minus 4 hours and 50 minutes!!!

In just a few short hours me and a newly found dear friend are taking a road trip.

We are headed North to the Deep South! Kinda funny when you think about it! haha!
THIS Friday ladies!!! Praying for you all as you prepare. AND using y'all as I'm teaching math today;). The 400 ladies coming--represent over 247 children who are no longer orphans...185 in process...and about 50 who feel called to adopt or to serve families adopting in some way:-).When they ask me what that equals--I'll say BEAUTIFUL. Which also equates to over 433 children who now have loving families and are orphaned no more. Yep--I'd say that definitely equals beautiful:) Excited to walk this journey with so many of you!!!! SEE YOU SOON!

See you soon ladies!!!

1 comment:

Shannon said...

So great to meet you this weekend. You're story was a blessing to me! I hope you made it back home safe and sound! I am praying for you and the hubby.