Thursday, March 31, 2011

Whatcha Reading?

Time for a second round of "Whatcha Reading?"!!!

Ok, so I've been reading a lot and listening to audiobooks because of work travel.

Here's what I'm diggin
I have LOVED the music of Steven Curtis Chapman and always have been a big fan! Their story was the biggest catalyst to us for international adoption...they planted the seed of adoption in our hearts long before we realized what all of that meant for our family. We have seen him in concert and last year at Women of Faith was blessed to hear Mary Beth share her and her family's testimony of working through their loss of Maria. This book is BEAUTIFUL! I'm someone who has to have a clear plan and have things figured out. Though I haven't lost a child, sibling or parent; I've recently faced some challenges in the last couple years. Sometimes it's a choice of choosing to "see". Seek God out in the storm. Love this book. I actually listened to the audiobook with my car travels to and from Tampa this week for work. 

Kera told me about this book through Angie Smith's book club The Bloom Book Club & blog: Bring the Rain. If you've heard of the Christian group, Selah, she's the wife of singer. SIDEBAR: Angie is going to be speaking at this year's WOF conference!!! Wahoo!!! Kera is a HUGGGGEEEE FAN!!! Anyway, this book inspires one to focus on the familiar and simple things in life which often go unnoticed. Perhaps it's the simple fact that on our kitchen table we have a basket of tangerines. Fresh fruit to enjoy whenever my heart desires. Fruit God created for us. In a world of difficult things and challenges we often get caught up in, this book helps us to "stop and smell the roses". At times the writing style can be floral, but still, love the book.

What a jewel of a book!!! Aaron takes us on his journey through being a biological only child for several years when his siblings grew by 4 through international adoption. He travels the globe to the countries his siblings were born in to understand them better. We learn about grandma Holt. That's right...Holt International's founders. We learn the history of international adoption in our country. Beautiful story. My hub's has an aunt who lives in Minnesota and knows one of the children who is now an adult. This book is really, really great. It's hot off the press and just a fantastic read.

Just when I thought Three Cups of Tea couldn't have gotten better, Greg Mortenson writes this amazing follow-up! I have this one on audio as well since I've been a road warrior lately. Oh how I love his writing style and his ability to transport you to where he was at that particular point in his book. I am fascinated with Pakistan as I have a friend at work who is from Pakistan (his mother and sisters still live there) and happens to be a beautiful person. I enjoy learning about his world and culture. I've also learned about the beautiful Muslim religion that often gets an awful wrap. In-Shalla (God Willing)...beautiful phrase. The struggles people of Pakistan and Afghanistan face daily is unlike anything I could imagine. This is a MUST READ!!!

Greg was born/raised in Tanzania, Africa and his favorite proverb is:

African proverb: "“If you educate a boy, you educate an individual. If you educate a girl, you educate a community.”

Now you've gotta share...

Whatcha Readin???


Courtney said...

Loved Choosing to See! Currently reading "listening" to Forgotten God by Francis Chan. It's a keeper!

Home Project Manager said...

Court....listening...Ooooh, I haven't read that book of his yet. I've got Crazy Love in the mix right now too. I am terrible, I have a bunch of books started, including audio books!!! haha!

How are you guys doing with the wait? We're going for prints on the 14th and the wait is starting to get difficult. I noticed on our lilypie it says 5 months and 3 days!?!? How did it fly by so fast. I see the referrals slowing down so that makes me nervous with the recent changes. is our Sabbath and I'm looking forward to Church and Sabbath School.

Have a beautiful day!

Stephanie said...

Hey! Saw you on the list serve and wanted to say hi. We're pretty close in the process, our HS was just approved Fri! Looking forward to following your journey!

I just started 1000 Gifts yesterday, looks like it's going to be a good read! Also, if you want to read something about Ethiopia, check out "There's no me without you." It was heartbreaking but love all the info about Ethiopia.

Home Project Manager said...

Hi Stephanie!
I got excited to start seeing other families around the same timeframe as us. Nice to go the journey with folks in the same boat. So nice to "meet" you!!!

I love that book you suggested! You are soooo right. It's just so beautiful and full of history also. Really opened my eyes.