Saturday, March 26, 2011

Running for A Cause

Tim and I received some great advice during our journey from a family friend who has also adopted. She told us to STAY BUSY!

Over the last couple years I have felt moved to support our community and those around us. Tim really enjoys running. There was a time I did too, but I took it way too far causing me to seriously injure my knee. I had quit running after that back in 2003-2004. I have been wanting to get back into running especially since most runs support a cause.

This past Sunday, March 20th, Forest Lake Education Center had a 5K to raise money for financial assistance of children who wanted to receive Christian education at FLEC. Tim's mom teaches piano lessons at FLEC and our BF's, Bryan and Ashley Birmele, have two children who attend FLEC. SOLD!   The opening pic in post is just after finishing the race...which, by the way, had MAJOR hills...NOT MY FAV!!!

Here is Belle after finishing the race with her class. Um, she ALSO ran the 5K with us big kids and TOTALLY whipped my tail!!! Her and Anakin both smoked me!!!

Check out her mama's post HERE. (Ash...I totally need that pic of the four of us...sooo koot)

Great day for a Great Cause!!! Sunday's weather was INSANE here in Florida!

 Then this Thursday, March 24th, Isaac and Suzie Sendros invited us to their first 5K. This 5K was sponsored by our VERY OWN....FLORIDA HOSPITAL! This was the Corporate 5K supporting our communities homeless women and children! LOVE THE CAUSE!

For FH's Healthy 100 initiative check out

Best View when approaching the time clock. Nothing like seeing the word...FINISH!

Isaac and Suzie have been training and SMOKED it! I don't train at all and REALLY need to start. I just say, "Let's run a 5K". I don't do that well at all but have a blast feeling the energy of the crowd and know participating is helping someone else. However, I'm starting to get the bug to beat my times. Not beat anyone else's but personally improve.

Tim is really an AMAZING hubs! 
I get tired at the very end and he has always been waiting for me for the last stretch. He has a little water and then paces me in to the finish line. He finishes with me! So precious!!! 
Tim runs SUUUUPER fast so he's always done in like 25 minutes or some insanely crazy time. 

So this has been our week. It's a beautiful Florida Sabbath morning. I'm getting ready for a Sabbath morning run now. 

Love you all!!

While We Wait for One Less

1 comment:

Ashley said...

You guys did amazing! Thank you for always being so supportive of FLEC and especially our kiddos!