Saturday, September 24, 2011

Disney's Night of Joy

September has been action packed for us! Stay tuned for more September goodness!

Every year I hear Z88.3 broadcast about Disney's Night of Joy and every year it sneaks past us. I have always wanted to go and this year, when I heard Matthew West was going to be there....NO QUESTION...WE WERE GOING!

Arriving to the Magic Kingdom! All the fall and halloween decor was out in full swing!

Jeremy Camp LIVE in front of the castle! This was unbelievable! His concert started a little late because it was raining so bad. We even contemplated....BRIEFLY...about not going, but we were just too excited to miss out.

 Between concerts our local christian radio station was playing all over the park. What an unreal way to experience the park!
So we played for a bit, listened to Z88.3's music and then caught up with Winnie the Pooh! I have loved classic Pooh for as long as I can remember. Mom says I loved Pooh Bear as a little. In fact, around all my family, my name is Erika Pooh. Ssshhh...don't tell. haha!

We saw Sidewalk Prophets, but for some reason, I can't find my pics of them....they were soooo good! 
And FINALLY, at 11:20 pm...yes, you read that right....ALMOST was time for MATTHEW WEST!!! I won't lie, I was kinda dyin. LOL  That is some kind of late for us!  

Matthew West is one of my FAVS! We saw him a year or so ago when he began touring for his "Story of Your Life" album. AMAZING!
He was amazing again and totally HILARIOUS!
We didn't hit the hay till 2 am and it was totally worth it. We even ran into some of our friends. The next day we saw them at church and they we're just as snoozy as we were. HA!

You better believe we'll be going again. 


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