Please Pray
We were disappointed our US Government could not come to a budget agreement, but really did not realize what the timing of this could potentially mean for us.
Our fingerprints appointment for USCIS is next Thursday morning.
Could this appointment be cancelled because government businesses closing until budget approved?
Without our prints, USCIS cannot finalize our Favorable Determination Letter. This is the final missing puzzle piece we need in order for us to submit our Dossier.
Once again....
Let Go.
Let God.
One Less
Praying! Praying! Praying!
Ugg! Aren't things like this crazy! We had to sent off our power of attorney 3 times for various reasons and I thought I was going to pull my hair out! Praying for patience :).
Thanks Mamacitas!!!
This whole process has been the BIGGEST lesson in patience for sure. I am sure there are plenty of lessons still to come.
For's an INSANELY beautiful Florida weekend....FINALLY!!!
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