Friday, March 16, 2012

When LOVE sees you

Easter is on the horizon.

It is easy to get caught up in the sour starburst gummies, chocolate bunnies, bright colors, egg hunts, and Sunday brunch's. I was listening to one of my favorite playlists and was moved to share because the song centers me on the real reason for this holiday {don't get me wrong...this girl loves her some candy!}. 

"You see the struggle. You see the shame. I see the reason I came."
These words...these words. They really take my breath away. We ALL have some things imperfect about us. It is the nature of living on this planet and the history of our world. Jesus came for ALL OF US. 

All of us.

We look in the mirror and see wounds, scars, tears, aches, imperfections, and pains. God sees us for the beautifully and wonderfully made person He made us to be. A tapestry of life events which have molded us to the person we are today. 

As you make your Easter plans for 2012...You ARE the reason HE came. 

LOVE sees you.

Happy Sabbath!


kera said...

perfectly said my friend!

Kim said...
