Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Official November Numbers

I decided to start training for a half marathon to support the fight against breast cancer. My brother's wife and hub's sister are best friends with a sweet girl who just graduated law school and was diagnosed with breast cancer this October. She had to have an immediate bilateral mastectomy and is about to begin chemo. Also, my hubs has a childhood friend whose wife was diagnosed with breast cancer while preggo with her third little. Her third bub just turned one. She too had bilateral mastectomy and is in progress with chemo. She hopes to run the 1/2 marathon we are training for...AAA-MAZING!!! Both of these women have faith that can move mountains and a strength rarely seen. 

We are training to run for them. Thanksgiving morning was a training run for me and so we hit a Turkey Trot with some friends. It was really chilly but the run was a lot of fun. We had friends in town visiting their family. It was the perfect way to start Thanksgiving!!! Plus it worked off a few calories in preparation for the annual FOOD BINGE...I love me some pie! Plus, the hubs makes homemade apple pie only for Thanksgiving and Christmas....MY FAV!!! His pie did not disappoint!! WHOA....HEAVENLY!!!

So you saw our title - "Official November Numbers". Maybe I should get to the reason you stopped by and looked. HA!
We have not moved one space but there are lots of AGCI families finalizing their process right now or traveling over to Ethiopia for their trip to meet their littles. So we trust the process even when it's sooooo difficult.


(a little hometown Chicago shout out!!!! Go Bears!!!)

And for a little holiday cheer...the hubs saw some stockings in a catalog and asked if I could make them. We had some pretty generic stockings and LOVED what he picked out so I was totally up for the challenge. I love how these turned out! So fun! This is the hub's. I still have to make mine. I'll be posting how I did it over at my Threads of Fler blog. I'm behind on both blogs but will be getting up to speed soon! Promise!!!
Cheers! Happy Holidays!
one less...still waiting


kera said...

i know the numbers come with some disappointment.....you guys are being so faithful & patient {although i'm certain [as we are all human after all] you've had your moments!}! i still pray for God to be near you both & that you can get glimmer's of hope here & there! sending lots of love & hugs from TN! you are both loved a whole bunch!

Alison said...

Praying for GREAT numbers for December! And I love the cute stocking! :)